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Himalayan mountain people are famous for their longevity. It is common for the Hunzas to live 120 healthful years due to their intake of mineral-rich water, unpolluted air, and a diet rich in complex carbohydrates, as well as to their active, purposeful way of life.

On Pitcairn Island, in the South Pacific, it’s not unusual for residents past ’70 to labor alongside 20-year-olds. Inhabitants credit their strength and vitality to a natural lifestyle and a menu consisting mostly of grains, fruits, and vegetables.

In China, doctors have studied the secrets of rejuvenation for thousands of years, and have long known how to keep sex glands functioning well past the prime of life with herbs, acupuncture, and special exercises called tai chi and qi gong. Americans have much to learn from these cultures.

For the most part, we and the people of other Western nations have become fast-paced and out of step with nature.

We manage on devitalized foods, and control failing body systems with multiple medications. In midlife, we stop exercising and lose lean muscle mass. As a result, bone density is lost and metabolism slows down, causing flabbiness and weakness, and setting the stage for osteoporosis.

Most seniors are physically feeble, and some are mentally so, due to a lifetime of poor habits.

On the brighter side, scientists are teaching us why we age, and what we can do to slow down, and even reverse, the aging process. Through their efforts, we now know that aging begins at the cellular level with free radical damage, and that antioxidant vitamin, minerals, and enzymes can prevent such destruction.

In addition, research confirms the value of natural regenerative remedies esteemed by the ancients, and new “smart drugs” that improve mental acuity.

As this information filters down to the general public, more and more people are attempting to turn back the clock by eating better, supplementing their diets, reducing stress, and increasing their exercise levels.

Most important, attitudes are changing and people are seeing themselves as youthful at older ages. This is important because “thinking old” creates a physiological response in the body.

When we picture ourselves losing strength and vitality with age, that is what occurs. Conversely, when we see time as a friend, we are apt to remain young and vibrant into our 5O’s, 60’s, and beyond.

In fact, with today’s new knowledge and increasingly positive attitudes, extending our healthful years to equal those of the Hunzas does not seem an impossible goal.

To Fight Aging-Detoxify

The more toxic we are, the faster we age. Cosmetic changes, such as facelifts and hair coloring, may temporarily help us appear younger, but to really regenerate we must detoxify, that is, clean ourselves up from the inside.

The youthful appearance that results will be the natural byproduct of improved health.

Cleansing practices date back thousands of years. The Essenes, for example, filled gourds with clean river water, and used long reeds to wash “devils” out of their intestines. In the modern, polluted world.

Internal cleansing is especially important, for no matter how well we take care of ourselves, we still breathe in polluted air, bathe in polluted water, and take in all sorts of chemicals.

Once these substances are absorbed, we never fully eliminate them unless we detoxify.

Some methods of detoxification focus on specific systems; others, such as juice fasting and chelation therapy, help the entire body at once.

Juice Fasting

Fasting can be likened to staying home to clean and repair the house. Going on a juice fast allows the digestive system to rest so that it can focus its attention on patching up all the areas that need healing.

At the end of the process, everything works better and the skin takes on a healthy glow.

Fasting seems like an even better idea when you consider that, in this country, we generally take in from 10 to 20 percent more calories than our bodies need.

In fact, most people can benefit from a one- to two-day fast of freshly squeezed juice, protein drinks, pure water. And herbal tea.

Initially, it would be advisable to get clearance from a physician. One who understands the benefits of fasting.

If you are taking medications, they should never be dispensed with before a doctor says it is safe to do so.

Here are a few guidelines: When making your juices. Use organic produce whenever possible, as harmful chemicals found in tainted fruits and vegetables become more concentrated after juicing.

Than obviously, is counterproductive when your object is internal cleansing. Drink about eight l0—ounce glasses of juice a day, and you’ll be treating your whole body to a maximally usable supply of health-giving phytochemicals, antioxidant vitamins and minerals, chlorophyll, and enzymes.

To ensure digestibility, you should understand that the juices of dark green vegetables, such as spinach, arugula, parsley, and watercress, are very concentrated, and should be liberally diluted with more watery juices, such as those of cabbage, celery, or cucumber, or with aloe Vera and mineral water. Also, to get the most physical and psychological benefit from juices, drink them slowly, consuming them as you would food, rather than water. Swallowing too fast cheats the mind of taste satisfaction and places unwanted stress on the kidneys and bladder.

Finally, remember to come off a fast—especially a longer one—gradually. Eating too much is never a good idea, but it can be especially bad for the system after not eating.

Once these simple rules are learned, the fun of an all-juice diet begins. Alternating between carrot/ apple, pineapple/ sprout, and tomato/ lemon with a dash of cayenne can keep the taste buds happy all day.

Meanwhile, the body is getting vital nutrients to help it function at its best. Here are some beneficial fruits and vegetables from which to choose:


Apple helps to correct skin and liver disorders. It has a laxative effect, and is a valuable aid to digestion and weight loss.


Drink beet juice to nourish the liver, one of the most important organs of the body, as it has hundreds of different functions. If your liver is functioning well, most likely everything else in your body will be, too.


Cabbage is high in vitamin K, as well as cancer—fighting indoles. It is excellent for alleviating stomach ailments, especially when combined with comfrey.


Carrot juice is high in the antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamins A, C, and E. In addition, it is filled with health-giving minerals and antiaging enzymes. One caveat on carrot juice: Since it is high in natural sugar, this juice should be diluted with water, especially when there is a blood sugar imbalance.


This one is moderately high in sodium, not the bad-for-you salt shaker kind, but the good, natural kind that promotes good cell chemistry.


Melon juices are wonderful kidney cleansers. And did you know that the rind provides a wide range of enzymes, minerals, and chlorophyll? Drink melon juice alone, not in combination with other fruits or vegetables.


The juice of this fruit contains bromelain, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. This is especially good for alleviating arthritic symptoms.

Susan Lombardi, founder of the We Care Health Center, in Palm Springs, California, and author of Ten Easy Steps for Complete Wellness, recommends a combination of carrot, celery, cabbage, and beet juice, mixed in equal proportions, with a little cayenne for flavor and circulation.

This mixture is taken throughout the day while fasting to promote healing in every corner of the body.

Sometimes a person feels temporarily unwell when fasting. This is called a healing crisis, and usually occurs around the third day.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, but rather a sign that the body is releasing toxins and probably withdrawing from addictions, if you’ve been, for example, a habitual consumer of caffeine, sugar, or dairy foods.

The best advice is to get plenty of rest and to drink lots of water during this time. After awhile, the discomfort will disappear, and the system will be newly recharged. Your health practitioner will give you more guidance on juice fasting.

Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy has many benefits, all of which add up to a longer, healthier life.

While no studies directly relate the treatment to increased life expectancy, several show it to favorably impact the four major causes of death in the United States: heart disease, cancer, cerebrovascular disease, and chronic obstructive lung disease.

During treatment, medical doctors administer a man-made amino acid, called EDTA, via intravenous drip.

Once in the bloodstream, EDTA attaches itself to heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, and mercury, and holds onto these toxic substances until they exit the body through the kidneys. Eliminating these substances prevents premature aging and disease.

In these polluted times, health professionals often recommend chelation therapy for many people over 30.

As we get older, the toxic metals from the environment, especially lead, build up in the skeleton.

Even natural calcium can accumulate in the wrong places. Chelation therapy will take calcium out of the heart vessels and place it back into the long bones, thus preventing osteoporosis.

Another benefit of chelation is that it helps the brain work better.

As artery blockages are removed, more blood flows to the brain and cognitive abilities improve. And when pathways are kept open, individuals are at lower risk for stroke.

Detoxification for Specific Systems

We have several organs for detoxification—the intestines, kidneys, liver, skin, and lungs. In addition, the lymph glands play a major role. Each area must work optimally to avoid overburdening other systems, and the following are some therapies beneficial to these organs:


The average person carries around several pounds of impacted fecal matter on the intestinal walls, which can create constipation, emotional repression, and an environment conducive to bacteria and disease.

To help with this problem, a detoxification drink can be made from ground flaxseeds, psyllium seeds, and bentonite, a liquid clay.

This formula is excellent for colon cleansing because the clay absorbs toxins while the seeds expand in water and brush the intestines clean.

Another helpful technique is colonic irrigation. This therapy gently but thoroughly washes the intestines by infusing water into the large bowel in small amounts at steady intervals.

Water travels the entire length of the colon. In the process, old encrustations of fecal matter are dislodged and swept away.

Often this material has been attached to the bowel for many years, and is laden with millions of bacteria. Unless eliminated, this sets up the perfect environment for disease.

Colonic irrigation restores the colon to its natural shape and function so that food is better absorbed and eliminated, skin improves, and irritability, fatigue, and constipation disappear.

A healthy colon means a healthy body.


The herbs dandelion leaf, echinacea, and corn silk are beneficial to the kidneys. Short fasts, during which apple juice is mixed with small amounts of parsley, also improve kidney health.


Milk thistle protects liver function and helps this organ expel toxins. That, in turn, promotes health and youthfulness.


With each exhalation, waste products are removed from the system. And one of the best ways to improve lung capacity is through regular aerobic exercise. Of course, exercise has other age-defying benefits, in addition to its facilitating of lung function.

It enables us to detoxify through our skin, as we sweat. It allows more blood to flow to tissues throughout the body, which keeps cells from dying prematurely.

By oxygenating brain cells, exercise prevents or minimizes senility. And it improves metabolism, so that the body can easily maintain a normal weight. Finally, weight bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, and weight-lifting, enhance bone density, which helps prevent osteoporosis.


Not only does our skin provide a protective covering, it also expels many toxins daily.

But to do this job properly, the pores must not be clogged. One technique for ensuring this is skin brushing.

Using a natural bristle brush or loofah, rub the skin all over in a circular motion, to get rid of dead skin that clogs up the pores.

Always brush toward the heart, and never brush thin facial skin.

Taking a sauna is a good follow-up to dry skin brushing because sweat expels toxins through the now open pores.

Beginners should keep the temperature at around 185 degrees Fahrenheit and start out slowly.

There are different types of saunas, and the directions for each type should be followed.


The job of the lymphatic system is to move disease-causing wastes out of the body.

Cleansing herbs, such as burdock root, red clover, echinacea, dandelion, yellow dock, and garlic, can speed up a sluggish lymphatic system. Lymphatic massage and skin brushing also help.


As we regain health through detoxification, the body becomes more responsive to therapies that rebuild the system, such as a healthy diet and vitamin/mineral supplements.

Below are general recommendations for life-extending foods and nutrients. For more precise guidance, a holistic practitioner can make recommendations based on individual test results.

Tests are important because we do not age uniformly; rather, individual organs diminish in energy at different rates.

One thing that Western medicine excels at is laboratory analysis, and a full spectrum of tests can determine which systems are out of balance, and thus causing premature aging.

Tests can indicate, for instance, whether the adrenal glands are producing enough antiaging hormones, whether vitamins and minerals are being properly digested, and whether toxic metals are polluting the system.

Findings may reveal that one person is anemic due to an iron deficiency, for example, while another is low in folic acid.

Results help holistic health practitioners address the unique needs of their patients.

Once you begin a health regimen, subsequent testing shows how well recommendations are taking effect, and adjustments are made accordingly. Some nutrients can be dispensed with once the body starts producing more of its own, while others are needed on a continual basis.

Thyroid supplements, for instance, are often needed by patients with low body temperatures until the system catches on, a few weeks later, and starts converting the hormone to a usable form on its own.

Other nutrients, like vitamin C, leave the body rapidly and need to be taken several times each day.

Subjective measures of improvement must also be taken into account.

This is done through observation of symptoms and appearance. If symptoms diminish and appearance improves over time, it is an indication that therapies are working.

And as the body rejuvenates, a person will notice additional improvements, such as increased endurance, enhanced memory, and better body tone.

The Antiaging Diet

The foods we eat should keep us balanced—not too acid or alkaline. One way to keep our systems stable is to place a pH strip in a urine sample each morning. The ideal result should read in the range of 6.8.

Deviations from that number mean that the foods eaten the day before were too acidic (downward deviations from 6.8) or too alkaline (upward).

Acidic foods are especially harmful as they contribute to numerous diseases.

Cutting down on these foods, and eating lots of fruits and vegetables instead, will support the body.


An antiaging diet is high in complex carbohydrates, such as grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Many are eaten raw or close to their natural state, and none are unnecessarily processed, or overcooked. Frying is minimized, although stir-frying is acceptable.

Very little, if any, animal proteins are eaten, and fats are used sparingly. Only about 10 to 15 percent of calories should come from fat.

Complex carbohydrates help us in several ways.

First, they are high in fiber, and can therefore prevent common afflictions associated with aging, such as constipation, hemorrhoids, intestinal diseases, ulcers, high blood pressure, colorectal cancer, and overall body toxemia.

They are also rich in phytochemicals; antioxidant substances found in plants that help us prevent everything from cancer, arthritis, and heart disease, to wrinkles and age spots.

By eating diets centered on complex carbohydrates, we not only feel healthier. We look better.

Most people tend to gain weight as they age because their metabolism slows down. Complex carbohydrates counter this problem because they are digested quickly.

Thirty minutes after a meal of rice and vegetables, the body starts to burn up food at maximum speed, a process that continues for 21/2 to 3 hours.

Of course, this works best when foods are eaten without creamy or greasy sauces. But this does not mean that meals must be bland. Many cookbooks show how wholesome food can be healthfully spiced and dressed.

How can foods minimize wrinkling? Beta-carotene, from carrots and other yellow/ orange vegetables, enters the cell’s outer membrane, and provides some protection against sun damage.

This nutrient’s cousin, lycopene, is twice as powerful.

Lycopene is what gives the watermelon, tomato, and pink grape fruit their red color. According to studies, lycopene also enters the outer membrane of skin cells, and provides protection from ultraviolet damage while it is there.


Greens are rich in chlorophyll, the ultimate blood purifier. Chlorophyll is known to cure various infections in the respiratory tract and can nullify the effects of various pollutants, such as second-hand smoke, diesel fuel, and coal dust. In addition, it can turn an acidic pH more alkaline.

Then, food is better absorbed and antioxidants are able to effectively do their job of strengthening the immune system. This, in turn, is a key aspect of slowing the aging process.

For excellent sources of chlorophyll, think of barley grass and wheatgrass. These are high in superoxide dismutase (SOD), an antioxidant enzyme that scavenges free radicals from the body, and they’re far richer in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and trace elements than are most other vegetables.


They may not be household words, but you should know that the sea vegetables dulce, kelp, and nori are exceptionally high in minerals, particularly calcium, iodine, potassium, and magnesium, and in trace elements as well.

Kelp can rebalance thyroid metabolism, resulting in successful weight management and the reversal of many conditions that are caused by a thyroid imbalance, including stomach and respiratory disorders.

Spirulina and chlorella are single-celled, waterborne algae that are rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. These foods help protect cells and boost energy levels.

By building and strengthening at the cellular level, they protect against the effects of aging.


These two are health superstars because they contain sulfur compounds that have an antiaging and anticancer effect.


Pure water is an essential part of a good diet, but most people don’t get enough. This is important because suboptimal water intake can dehydrate the brain, causing symptoms of senility in the elderly. Eight 8-ounce glasses daily is a minimum requirement.

In addition, fresh, enzyme-rich juices should be a regular part of the diet.

Antioxidant Supplements

By reducing free radical damage, antioxidants help us stay young, vital, and productive for as long as we live. Some antioxidants are naturally produced by the body, but to promote regeneration, we need to be taking additional ones in supplement form. Here is a list of nutrients we should be taking on a daily basis:

Vitamin A—l,000—3,000 IU per meal. Blood tests will determine whether or not a person is getting too much vitamin A, which can be toxic.

Beta Carotene—Up to 25,000 IU per meal. Beta-carotene is a nontoxic precursor to vitamin A that helps slow down aging and lessens cancer risk.

Bioflavonoids—A minimum of 75 mg 3 times daily of grape seed extract, one of the most powerful antioxidant substances available.

Vitamin C—3,000-5,000 mg daily, in divided doses throughout the day. To fight disease, higher doses are given orally and intravenously. Vitamin C is a powerful immune system strengthener. When C is combined with vitamins A and E, as well as riboflavin and beta-carotene, there is a lowered risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

Vitamin E—400-800 IU per day, taken at the largest meal. Vitamin E is best in its natural form (as a mixed tocopherol or d-alpha tocopherol). Avoid synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha).

Selenium—100 mcg per meal. Selenium is needed to produce glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme that protects the body from free radical damage. It is also important in preventing cancer and cardiomegaly, an enlargement of the heart that causes premature aging and early death.

Zinc—30-50 mg daily. Zinc feeds over 100 enzyme systems in the brain, as well as various systems throughout the body. It is essential in the formation of stomach acid; without sufficient zinc, malabsorption syndrome occurs.

Most older people are zinc-deficient.

NADH-2.5 mg per day. NADH, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleolide, is a potent antioxidant that is also called coenzyme Q1.

Every living cell contains NADH, and in each one, it plays a central role in energy production.

Aging is associated with a loss of energy due to an increased incidence of cellular degeneration and death. NADH helps cells survive and thrive.

It’s recommended to counter memory loss, as well as in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s chorea.

Minerals and Enzymes

Nina Anderson, author of Over Fifty, Looking Thirty, stresses the importance of minerals and enzymes as two key antiaging factors. Minerals are found in every part of us. They are in our tissues, blood, and bones.

They assist in hormone production, as well as nerve transmission, and they balance our energy. Very little M11 work properly without them.

Getting the minerals we need keeps the body in balance, which is important because when we are unbalanced from a lack of essential minerals, the body tends to pick up harmful minerals, such as lead, aluminum, and mercury, in an attempt to compensate for the deficiency.

Being balanced also lessens the incidence of degenerative diseases associated with aging, such as arthritis and osteoporosis. Arthritis begins when there is a shortage of calcium, magnesium, and electrolytes. Osteoporosis happens as a result of the body leaching minerals out of the bones when minerals are lacking in the blood.

Since a full spectrum of nutrients is no longer available from deficient soils, it is important to take mineral supplements.

The best minerals to take are crystalloid. These are very fine, and so can permeate the cell wall and shore up the inside of the cell, keeping the cell round in shape by maintaining its osmotic pressure.

This protects the cell against free radical damage. Even more important are enzymes, catalysts that stimulate all cellular processes, essentially making everything happen. Unless enzymes function, properly, vitamins and minerals cannot do their job. Before fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K can be broken down, for example, they need the enzyme lipase.

Otherwise, they are partially flushed out of the body. Abundant enzymes are found in raw foods, especially juices. But to increase enzyme levels further, they can be taken as supplements, and again, the crystalloid form is recommended.

Antioxidant enzymes are produced naturally by the body, and include superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione, and catalase. To keep enzyme production high, sufficient minerals are needed.


Herbs help us resist disease by strengthening the immune system, so that it can ward off invaders of all types. They are an important part of any antiaging protocol, and can be taken as capsules, powders, teas, or tinctures.


This is a blend of Chinese herbs that rejuvenate the endocrine system, keeping sex glands in top working condition well into one’s years. This formula also revitalizes nerve cells and keeps the blood pure.


Garlic has multiple benefits and should be used by everyone. It protects the heart and liver and can prevent cancer. It is antiviral, antibacterial, antiarthritic, and antiparasitic. By keeping the immune system strong, garlic helps the body fight off degenerative forces.


The gingko leaf comes from the oldest species of tree on the planet. Its unique properties have allowed it to survive the natural hardships of the ages, and some say that these same traits may help people slow down their own aging process.

Specifically, ginkgo is known to improve microcirculation, particularly in the brain. It may therefore be an excellent herb for those with Alzheimer’s disease. And according to clinical research, subjects with this condition substantially improved recall when the herb was taken three times daily.

Gingko will also address other common symptoms of aging related to poor circulation: headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, dizziness, coldness or numbness of the hands and feet, cramping, and reduced ability to walk distances.


The Chinese have revered ginseng for centuries, considering it an outstanding rejuvenator, aphrodisiac, and improver of most conditions. Its ability to help a variety of conditions may be due to the fact that ginseng is an adaptogen, meaning that it works with the body to correct imbalances. For instance, if blood pressure is too high, it helps bring it down; if it is too low, it pulls it up.

There are several types of ginseng on the market today, and it is important to note their differences. Korean (red) ginseng is very hot, and is said to be best suited for people with cold constitutions.

The herb is also said to increase sexual fire, and, for that reason, is not recommended for people under 45. Chinese (white) ginseng is milder, and American ginseng is cool, and helpful for hot, or inflammatory, conditions. American ginseng supports digestion, adrenal function, and overall vitality.


Elephants, animals known for their excellent memory and long life, browse on gotu kola. Similarly, people who ingest gotu kola can expect greater longevity, good memory, and mental alertness.


This herb contains phytoestrogens, plant compounds that resemble estrogen and act as precursors in the production of sex hormones by the adrenal glands and the ovaries or testes.

These phytoestrogens also function as precursors in the adrenal glands’ production of DHFA, one of our antiaging hormones.


Properly used, essential oils can help us overcome many physical and psychological conditions associated with aging.

Often. They serve as a sensible alternative to medications, because unlike drugs. Which distress the system with unwanted side effects; essential oils are natural substances that the body readily accepts.

They benefit us on a physical level. And, at the same time, leave us feeling relaxed and uplifted.

Aromatherapist Shirley Price points out that none of us feel old until we fall sick, and that aromatherapy is one way to feel healthier, and, therefore, young again. She reminds us that when using aromatherapy, it is important to use pure oils from aromatic medicine markets whose distillers obtain organic plant materials from natural sources.

She also recommends ordering oils by their Latin names, when possible; to make sure you don’t purchase products with similar names whose effects are markedly different.

Here are some conditions that commonly plague the elderly, and the essential oils that can alleviate them.


The essential oil universally used to help induce sleep is lavender (Lavandula oflicinalis), which can be vaporized, breathed in on a tissue, or added to a carrier lotion and massaged into the shoulders (about 12 drops per 4 fluid ounces).

Other sleep-inducing essential oils are bergamot (Citrus begamia), marjoram (Origanum majorana), Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis), lemon (Citrus limon), and ylang ylang Cammga odarata).


Digestion difficulties can often be overcome by taking essential oils by mouth, but this should only be done under the supervision of a clinical aromatherapist.

An essential oil tea can be made by adding one or two drops of a specified oil into a tea along with one tea bag. Caraway (Carum carvi) is an excellent choice, and can be taken together with bitter orange.

Also beneficial to digestion is sweet fennel (Foeniculum vulgare dulce), which is powerful and should only be used in combination with other oils, under the guidance of an aromatherapist.


Analgesic, anti-inflammatory oils help alleviate muscular pain and arthritis, and include coriander (Conundrum sativum), juniper (juniperus communis), rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis), and naoili (Melaleuca viridiflora).


Rosemary (Rosemarinus oflicinalis) and peppennint (Mentha piperita) are gentle nervous system stimulants that are known to increase memory recall. Other good oils include frankincense, rose, and clary sage. Best effects are through inhalation, but these oils can also be added to bath water, or massaged into the scalp, hands, or feet.

Stress Reduction

Stress overtaxes the adrenal system, and is a major contributor to premature aging, degenerative disease, and early death.

In these hurried times, we need to make a conscious effort to slow down and find satisfaction in life.

Many methods help the mind overcome stress, including deep breathing, tai chi, yoga, meditation, qi gong, mantras, massage, reiki, and biofeedback.

One of these modalities, reiki, is a powerful tool toward this end. The term is Japanese for universal life force, and reiki, a form of therapeutic touch, works by amplifying and channeling this energy.

This technique, like acupuncture, is centered on bodily meridians, or energy paths, and proponents extol its ability to release physical and emotional blockages, promote total relaxation, and enhance recovery from stress and injuries.

What to Avoid

Keeping young and healthy is a balancing act.

We must stay away from or compensate for the myriad of factors that disturb our equilibrium, such as foods and chemicals that artificially stimulate energy and wear down the body (coffee, drugs, and cigarettes); alcohol, which accelerates brain cell deterioration; environmental toxins that compromise the immune system; and medicines that cover up symptoms, such as antacids, diuretics, or aspirin.

It is equally important to let go of our preconceived notions of aging and, instead, stay active. Finally, we must remember not to let stress get the best of us.

Treatment Summary

Any method that removes the toxins that we accumulate every day will act to retard aging. Some detoxification methods are juice fasting, chelation therapy, colonic irrigation, exercise, skin brushing, saunas, and the use of herbs.

Laboratory tests can let us know which systems need boosting and thus which nutrients will be most helpful.

The antiaging diet is one that keeps our pH balanced. The best foods: fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Antioxidant supplements keep us young by slowing down free radical damage. These include vitamin A, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, and NADH.

Herbs important to an antiaging protocol include fo-ti-tieng, garlic, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and gotu kola.

Essential oils may alleviate common conditions associated with aging, including insomnia, indigestion, arthritis, and memory loss.

Stress reduction is essential to slowing down the aging process, and preventing degenerative disease.

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